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Cash Back Advertising - Good -Bad - Closed

2 March 2021
I am not big on Cryptos programs but this one is good compared to some I was in last year. Crypto
Pro doe pay passive income by logging in each day. I went all in and purchased 10 matrices for $250.00. Now being passive is not great money but better than no money. I did  have spillover from other people which helped alot. Each matrix will payout 300% and you will recycle automatically
when you reach that limit.Bitcoin, Ethereum, XPR, Tron are accepted. Updated: I have made over $100.00 in 2 months from passive income. Not bad.

17 March 2020

Looks like Softradeai may be on the list as a dying program. The price of bitcoin has dropped a
long ways and has been in a range of 4900 to 4500 most of the week. Very hard to make money
in this range when the price has been around 7000 to 9000 to $1.00.

1 December
Well  Fast Fun Cash died. I have read somewhere that Crypto 300 died but not sure. They seem to revive the program somehow and then people get excited and re-activate by putting more money into the program. Somehow it just does not work.

15 September 2019

I was reading about a social website like Facebook that states that it pays money for your use. One site stated that the site used a matrix system to pay for its use. Like refer a friend or two. I did type the name into my URL line and up it come. The site comes with two site names, Zenzuu or Xenzuu not sure which is correct. I did find out that the Chamber of Commerce says the site is down as of 26 September 2019. The original post states that the website is registered in Germany but the Chamber of Commerce states it is registered in Las Vegas; there seems to be a couple of people that take credit for starting the site. Actually one is a person in Las Vegas and the other is a company in Germany. I am not totally sure it is a scam but the information that I have found does not seem good.

12 August 2019

Daily Net Pay has come up with an answer to help people make money online passively, no sponsoring. The new program is up and running that is similar to Daily Net Pay but they trade
Forex live. You can watch as they trade Forex any day of the week plus this is a great learning experience. Here is the deal, join Daily Net Pay and purchase one  (1) Private Trading Share for $20.00 and then you can purchase one (1) or more CXFX Trading Share for $50.00 each. By pooling our money together we can increase our profits faster. Program is still working and paying @ 15 September 2019.  

1 August 2019

The admin of Daily Net Pay has been informed that there is another website that is doing the same thing as Daily Net Pay but the cost is higher, $300.00 compared to Daily Net Pay $ 20.00. The admin has made a purchase with Bitcoin and is waiting to see if he receives a payout form this program. The owner/admin of the new program has been seen advertising other programs on UTube so you may recognize them. Looks like a good program but I will still wait.

22 July 2019

Cash Club International is down and so is My Complete Business. I hate to see them go but they were cash back advertising sites connected to 7 -9 other advertising sites. The owner ran your small 125x125 banner through the other sites and gave you good advertising for the money, only $1.00.
 I liked testing my banners and text ads there because I got good response for my $1.00 per month. Anyway the sites are gone now.

3 June

Trine90k is closed and so is Revenue From Advertising which are failing to get new sign ups and then in May a hacker tried to gain entry into the site but failed. After an attempt to fix the script to make it harder for the hacker to enter they tried again so the programmer decided they need to re-code the script, which is very expensive. With the lack of new customers the choice was simply to close the program.

12 April 2016
My 24 Hour Income site is down.They moved and want people to rejoin on the new site. No Thank you

10 January 2017
Traffic Powerline is down. They tried to add a Tri Matrix and it did not work. I could of told them that.

October 2016
My Trending Ads is gone. Way short of getting new people to sign up. This is really necessary in Revenue Sharing type of programs.

20 September
Traffic Monsoon is gone and I hear that it is in the hands of the SEC as they investigate. No surprise since I have heard stories that the money from Traffic Monsoon was transfered to his other program to keep it going. Then he never made changes to it so he could even thing out or make a profit from it either.

27 July
I am going to call Zukal Ad Network a scam at this point.

12 November
Super 2X7 is now closed.

3 September
This program My Paying Ads looks to be tightly controlled and admin must release money to your cash balance so you can use that money to make a new share purchase. I am not growing that fast because of this.This has changed and I am moving a little faster now.

We have crossed the 6 month point and still growing. So am I. Good management, growth at the important 6 month point and good advertising.

Ad Click Xpress < NOT RECOMMENDED>. LOOKS VERY SIMILAR TO THE OLD PROGRAM. I just wrote about Ad Click Express in FREE Advertising below. How to start with no money there. Added a new page, How To Signup For Ad Click Express 
Everything is going well here. I moved some money into the program and keep surfing.

20 August 2015
Trying to figure out My Paying Ads, I want to move money from my share earnings to my cash balance. Well looks like admin controls this since I received a dollar in my cash balance today. So purchased a new share. Since you get a percentage every 30 minutes some of that goes back into your cash balance also
Update : 30 Sept. 6 month Birthday and still moving. A good sign. Admin did get Paypal blessing, good sign. People are still joining. Good sign. 

1 August
Just heard that a Team Build ad is getting put together for My Paying Ads. If you spend $10.00 you will get FREE advertising for 30 days and if you spend $50.00 advertising you will get 60 days of FREE advertising.
Payment processors: -Payza--Solid Trust Pay--Perfect Money--Paypal
So join us today @MyPayingAds

27 July
Joined a new revenue share today called My Paying Ads. It has been up 5 months now and the guy that recommended the site to me has advertised on it so it was good. Very good for login ads, which he purchased. It takes $5.00 as minimum deposit but you can purchase advertising for as little as $1.00. So take a look and see if it is something you can use. My Paying Ads.

5 June
Joined Ad Click Express and maybe I should be shot. This is the extended Just Been Paid program that sank or nearly sank and then in a puff of smoke went and changed to Profit Clicking and Click Paid then to this, Ad Click Express. Well something went right along the way. They are still up and making money. Must be more than 4 years now since I first started with them. Anyway, if you think about joining click the link Here to have a look. Just purchase advertising since it is a complex looking system. I have been in looking around several times You get a FREE, $10.00 position when you join. Currently paying 6% Monday thru Friday. Saturday and Sunday paying 3%.
Update: Admin has moved to 7% daily and 3.5% on weekends.

4 June >Don't Join this. I just tried to purchase a new $10.00 position and it took my money but so far I don't have the position. Looking into this but still unsure.<
Joined Rockin Residual yesterday. It is a newer program that will cost you $10.00 per month. When you purchase one position you will get one position in 3 different matrices. The payment method at this time is Paypal and Solid Trust Pay. If in the US then you can get Netpay, and google wallet to make withdraws and deposits. Withdraws are made from Solid Trust Pay or Netpay. Products like ebooks and other marketing material is available when you purchase Right now there are about 1600 choices to choose from. 

<CLOSED> Joined InAdsPro today. It is recommended by a good source and you get $5.00 to start out, FREE. < Well I completed my Test purchase and tried to make a new purchase, no go without adding money. Looks like $25.00 would be needed to purchase the next higher plan.>

The suggestion was to use it to make money to join My Complete Business, since you can withdraw $3.00.I was able to make a withdraw request so we shall see.  It is an hourly revenue share, a first for me. To join just click the link here. This program has had problems with bandwidth so can't always reach it but has huge potential if you are wanting your ad seen, over 36,000 people in 6 months.I got a lot of clicks on my ad there.

Cash Bot> Don't recommend this program now<   This program is moving and I believe that it will be here for a long time. It is a registered Canadian company and has been providing instructional material to help people market online for a while. Did I mention that it is on Auto Pilot so the more you promote the more that you will make in the future.
Paypal has locked their account and warned them that the may be running a poxzy program.

Did join My complete Business  and it does receive a lot of page views for what is an unknown program. Meaning you can get your ad seen many times and they have just opened an Ultra platform. This means you can make money quicker. If you are in My Complete Business, is only  $2.20 for the Ultra matrix level 1 and $3.30 for the Ultra matrix level 2. On completion of level 3 you get a re-entry into Ultra matrix level 1 and I believe in the Team Build matrix level 1 also.. You only need to purchase in the Ultra matrix and you can purchase as many levels you want. For example my upline purchased one position on level 1, on level 2 he purchased 1 position, on level 3 he purchased 1 position and level 4 he purchased 1 position all in the Ultra matrix.This will help you get into the bigger money quicker, could be $300 or more a month, so that is good and I get banner and text advertising also. They do one thing that is good and that is they help recruit people for you so you don't have to be a big promoter to get people under you.
Launched on August 18, 2014.  Now over 65,000 and about 4400 page views per day.  It is is a unique 3x3 matrix program that, hopefully, will cycle as the admin says. If so it would be one of the better if not the best cash back advertising online.

One of the higher paying programs, so they say is x100K cash back advertising.  The program is now in the 16th month and quickly growing. Admin has added a new matrix only for FREE MEMBERS, you can join and get 1 FREE POSITION in the FREEDOM MATRIX. Nothing to lose by doing this. The program is run by trusted admin  The admin runs another cash back program and has been running it for over 2 years, the only thing is that I hear about the other program is that it is really slow to cycle a matrix after the first  matrix. For you to get paid you must have 1 position in the Pro Matrix. You are required to make a weekly purchase in the PRO MATRIX as well as in the Scavenger Matrix. You can start for $ 0 USD believe it or not. Then you can work your way up. I have about $150.00 in this program and only cycled one time. He keeps adding new matrices so looks impossible to make money.

Now some have been recommended by one of the programs I am in and many of them have failed and just a few are up and running. One that just made the two year mark and I have been in the program almost since  it opened and that is Cash Club International. The admin has other cash back advertising going and has been doing this for several years, so it it is good. I have made about $100.00 and don't purchase every month. It would help greatly if I made a monthly purchase. The price is $11.00 per purchase.

One of the latest, been going several months, is a program called One Buck Marketing which is a $1.00 per month on a subscription basis. You automatically pay $1.00 to receive more advertising credits. I finally joined about two weeks ago and I have cycled the first matrix earning me $.50, but I get another entry into the first matrix and a position in the second matrix. When I cycle the second matrix I earn more. Not sure yet but will let you know. It was recommended that I purchase 7 positions when I entered but after I purchased the first position I had people above me and pushed them up but a couple of people came in under me before I purchased my next position. I have purchased 4 positions now so with the other people under me I cycled. Not much but a start. I will purchase more positions soon to see how it goes. My upline has just cycled the 3 matrix and received $135.00.I think he has been in for 5 or 6 months.

Like all matrix programs many people do not keep paying or just do not pay at all. Why not make some money in a small cash back advertising and use the money to join another program that pays more! Like Adcoopay which is run by the same admin so you know you will get paid. Like Cash Club International it pays more but may take longer to cycle. One thing that Adcoopays does is make it a monthly pay. This helps keep people moving through the matrix. and you really do not need to recruit. The cost is $11.00 monthly and you make a subscription payment when you purchase the first position.

Not saying you will get rich with any program Cash Club International, One Buck Marketing, Adcoopays have been around for a few years and do pay. His newest program is Direct Your Path which has a caught to it. If you join I will tell you about the caught and how to fix it. It will also boost your income in time. My Complete Business is from Australia and I hear from a trusted admin. They just made a change to the program, Ultra matrix that should increase your income quickly.

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